Friday, October 27, 2006


The area under my roommate's bed has become known as "The Clubhouse" to our puppies, Izzy and Bandit. Bandit is Holly's 1/2 Miniature Poodle, 1/2 Shih Tzu puppy. Whenever the door is open to Holly's room, you can bet that Izzy and Bandit are in the clubhouse. Last week, Holly was attempting to shoo the little ones out from under the bed, when she found that Izzy was conspicuously absent from the raid. She knew the two had entered The Clubhouse earlier and decided to investigate. She reached her arm as far as she could under the bed and proceeded to feel around for Izzy. While doing this, she felt a hole in her box springs. She reached her hand through the hole and, sure enough felt a wiry little terrier bottom. Izzy was in her box springs! Needless to say, Holly yelled for me, and in doing so, startled Izzy and caused her to travel deeper (beyond reach) into the box springs. Holly and I attempted to remove Izzy by tipping the mattress, but this caused Izzy to slip and slide around. Finally, we laid the mattress flat and coaxed Izzy to the hole and closed The Clubhouse until further notice.

My ornery little runt....

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Izzy, the Tressel-loving Westie. Go Bucks!

To say my life has been busy would be an understatement. I apologize for not blogging lately, but fall quarter has all but consumed me. I am taking three very demanding courses and 5 hours of tutorial which basically encompasses writing my honors thesis. I am also very busy with the student-run public relations firm, ImPRessions, and the Public Relations Student Society of America.

Happy News: I found out yesterday that I won the Pyramid Award from the Miss America Organization. The Pyramid Award, in the amount of $2,500, is awarded annually to two young women who have competed in the Miss America Program at either the local, state or national level. Since I competed as Miss Marion Popcorn Festival 2005 at the 2006 Miss Ohio Scholarship Program I was eligible. However, you don't have to compete at the state level to apply for these scholarships. Anyone competing (and losing) at a local can apply. The Pyramid Award is designated for marketing or public relations majors.

Puppy Update: Izzy is getting big. She continues to be a wonderful companion and I love her dearly. The only problem is that Louie (who lives with David) also loves her dearly and won't eat unless she is with him. So, David ends up babysitting Izzy on my busier than normal days, which has made Louie happy.

Studious Louie